
Oh No We Didn't!

Oh yes we did!

We finally won a softball game! Triumph!

We had lost our last 2 games, making us 0-4 and tied for last place. Our third game we lost 13-8, after briefly being ahead in the top of the 4th and then totally blowing the lead and getting demoralized (our style!) The best part of the game for me was probably the bunless hot dog that I snarfed down about 5 minutes before the game (left over from our company potluck earlier in the day).

I missed our fourth game because I was out of town. I was afraid that our team might actually win it, and then I would feel like I was the weak link. But we ended up losing 22-6, our worst loss yet. (Not the weak link!)

I was excited about this week's game, because we were playing the other 0-4 team. Battle for the gutter! We figured it might be our only chance to win one. Plus their team name was "Touchdown" so I was hoping that meant that they didn't even understand that they were playing softball.

Touchdown turned out to be pretty bad, so it was some really uglyball out there. Todd commented that there were very few actual hits from either team. Mostly just errors. We scored 7 runs in the first inning, but then just watched our lead slowly erode over the next several innings. Touchdown tied it up in the 6th, but we were able to eke out one more run, to win it 8-7. We all went bananas when it was over, probably obnoxiously so, but we were just glad to have won one. We're not the worst!!!


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